(1) Basic information of polluting enterprises
Unit Name: Weihai Jiangyuan Polymer Technology Co., Ltd. Legal Representative: Zhang Shilong
Organizational code: 913710003103282556 Industry: Organic Synthetic Chemical
Production address: North of Nanjing Road, Lingang District, Weihai City
Production cycle: Intermittent production Contact information: 0631-5589600
Name of Pollution Control Facility: RTO Thermal Storage Incinerator Operation Status: Normal
Commissioned testing agency: Shandong Jianuo Testing Co., Ltd
(2) Monitoring plan
The company actively monitors its exhaust gas and sewage, and entrusts Shandong Jianuo Testing Co., Ltd. to conduct testing every year.
(3) Monitoring results
On March 13, 2019, samples were taken from the company's sewage tank and RTO thermal storage incinerator exhaust outlet, and the monitoring results met the standards. After sewage treatment, it is discharged into the sewage treatment plant through the municipal pipeline network, and the waste gas is discharged through a 22 meter discharge outlet after treatment.
(4) Pollution source detection report results
1. Exhaust gas detection results and standards:
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